Executive Director of “Sami Frashëri” Comments on Albanian-Italian Migration Agreement for Middle East Eye

In a comprehensive analysis for Middle East Eye, Dr. Mentor Beqa, the Executive Director of the Institute of Political Studies “Sami Frashëri,” discussed the implications of the migration agreement between Albania and Italy. This deal, which involves Albania hosting asylum seekers as part of an off-shore plan, has attracted international attention and raised concerns over its impact on migrants’ rights and regional migration policies.

Dr. Beqa elaborated on the nuances of the agreement, highlighting the potential challenges and consequences for both Albania and the broader European Union’s approach to migration. His insights delve into the geopolitical ramifications of such agreements and the ethical considerations surrounding the treatment of asylum seekers and migrants.

The discussion in Middle East Eye underscores the critical need for balanced and humane migration policies that respect international laws and the dignity of all individuals. Dr. Beqa’s commentary contributes to a deeper understanding of the complexities involved in managing migration flows in Europe and the Mediterranean, emphasizing the importance of solidarity, responsibility-sharing, and adherence to humanitarian principles.

This media appearance by the Executive Director of “Sami Frashëri” underscores the institute’s commitment to engaging in vital international discussions and providing expert analysis on pressing global issues.

Read the full article and explore Dr. Beqa’s comprehensive insights on the Albanian-Italian migration agreement at Middle East Eye.

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Sami Frasheri Institute
Rruga Pjeter Budi,
Qyteti Studenti, Tiranë